Since 1993, Race Face Performance Products has been designing and manufacturing leading-edge performance cycling components, clothing, and protection. We are proud to be known as the cycling brand of choice for customers looking for performance product from a highly regarded Canadian company. Unfortunately, our reputation for designing and manufacturing some of the best cycling components in the market today has also caught the attention of those looking to illegally profit, and as a result, counterfeit Race Face product is out on the market.
We have confirmed that Race Face ‘branded’ counterfeit handlebars, stems, seatposts are being manufactured and sold, by unauthorized distributors, to unsuspecting customers in various markets around the world. We are warning all customers of the quality, reliability, and invalid warranty risks associated with the use of these inferior, counterfeit products; cautioning customers to avoid purchasing our products from unauthorized online sellers such as: and or unauthorized sellers on auction sites like Distinguishing authentic Race Face product from counterfeit can be difficult, you may be unaware that you are purchasing a fake until it is too late. To steer clear of imitation product we recommend you:
Purchase from an authorized dealer
New and un-used Race Face products are available through authorized Race Face dealers and distributors. We maintain an updated global list of authorized dealers and International distributors. If you are purchasing from an auction site or retail site where the sellers location and Identify cannot be verified there is a chance you purchasing counterfeit RF product.
Note the packaging
True Race Face product is packaged in Race Face specific packaging (note the photo below). Packaging artwork may change from time to time, but ALL original product sold consumer-direct should arrive in Race Face packaging with a multi-language, Race Face branded instruction sheet.

Demand a receipt
Always demand a proof of purchase (receipt) from the seller for the item purchased. Race Face product is not eligible for warranty coverage without a proof of purchase. If the Race Face product purchased was in used condition be aware that warranty coverage from Race Face is void.
Trust your instincts
If the price of the product seems too good to be true, it probably is.
After the fact
Check the product in question against the images and specs listed on our web site.
Protecting our brand and our customers' safety is of the utmost importance to us. We maintain the strictest quality standards and we will continue to investigate and expose the sources of this counterfeit product.
If you suspect you may have purchased a counterfeit Race Face product, or if you see any suspicious Race Face branded product, please let us know. We appreciate your help in maintaining the integrity of the Race Face brand.
You can email us at